
Friday, June 19, 2020

The technique of playing darts


In many sports, especially those that need accurate calculation, success depends on how you hold the sports equipment. You can hold a dart in different ways. The main thing is that you are comfortable and you are in a stable position. So, take a stable position. Take the dart into your palm as if defining its center of gravity. Then grab the dart with your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger, stepping back a little from the center of gravity to its tail.

This is the main grip, it is already possible to build on it in the search for an individual style. Usually, they take the dart with three fingers, the little finger is laid a little to the side. But this is not the only style. There are options where the dart is held with only two fingers. Another well-known grip option is fixing (without tension) the fingers along the entire length of the dart and needle. In this case, the player is easier to give the dart the direction necessary for an accurate throw. The choice of grip directly depends on the shape and length of the dart, as well as physical individual abilities. Rarely can you see the same grip on two different high-end players? The choice of the final option may drag on for 2-3 years, and sometimes a longer period. And this even though it is desirable to find the option that suits you as quickly as possible, to be able to get used to it. Once you find your style, it will be much easier for you to concentrate on other elements of the game.

Choosing the right grip and holding the dart securely is an important point on the path to success.


A comfortable grip and a steady balance - this is the main thing that you should pay attention to at the first stage of training.

To begin, mark the center at the firing line mark right in the center of the target. If you are right-handed, place your right foot in the direction of the target, find a stable position, tilt your right shoulder forward as much as possible to maintain balance. Your left leg is slightly behind. If you bend forward too much, your left leg freezes in the air. The right leg is usually pressed against the mark of the throw as if reducing the distance to the target.

A gross error during the exercise is to bend the supporting leg during the swing and straighten it during the throw. The most common stance is when an athlete stands sideways to the target as if touching the fingers of a straight supporting leg, onto which the bodyweight of the throw line is fully transferred, making a slight forward bend, pressing his left hand to his stomach. Shots can be fired at different angles using the full width of the line.


Before throwing, take a comfortable and relaxed stance. Hold the dart firmly, but without tension. Focus on the goal. Before making a throw, make a small swing, moving your hand with a dart to eye level or a little lower. When swinging, only the throwing hand works in the elbow. Stable balance at this time should not be disturbed.

The most characteristic mistake is when the darting technique is used when throwing a dart. In this case, the swingarm is taken far back, transferring all the bodies from one leg to the other and giving the body forward when throwing to give strength to the throw. It must be remembered that the distance to the target is small, the dart is light in weight, and unnecessary movements only interfere with accurate hits.

Throwing darts at the bottom of the target is recommended to make the slope larger. When throwing in the upper zone of the rack rises. Changing the slope allows you to keep unchanged all the mechanics of the movement and the technique of throwing, which is the key to stability falling into any zone of the target.

A throwing technique is considered classic when the player is slightly tilted forward in a comfortable stable stance. During manufacture, the arm is bent at the elbow. The dart is reserved for a backswing of 30-15 centimeters. During the swing, the dart continues along the flight path. The dart needle is constantly aimed at the target during movement. Swing is done by the forearm, easily avoiding unnecessary efforts, due to the muscles of the flexors of the forearm without visible involvement of the biceps. With a backswing, all attention is focused on the area you want to hit, without releasing the dart from the field of view. Throwing a dart, the hand without stopping the movement continues to move freely until fully extended.

With the improvement of the throwing technique and closer acquaintance with the target, you will have a clearer rhythm in the execution of throws, and the rhythm is an extremely important thing to achieve stable results.

Game Psychology

In sports, success is 90% dependent on psychological preparation. There are truly quite a few talented athletes who cannot fully reveal themselves only because of poor psychological preparation.

The inability to concentrate and resist environmental distractions negatively affects athletic performance.

Here are some tips to help you control your psychological state and achieve better results.

Hold the dart firmly, but without tension. Overvoltage during the game dramatically reduces your chances of success.
If you feel the tension in the arm or shoulder joint, clench your fist as much as possible, stay in that position for 5-10 seconds, then loosen the tension. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times.
When preparing for a throw, focus only on it. Focus on the game and don’t think about your opponent’s formidable reputation. Extraneous thoughts, as well as doubts or fear of making a mistake, lead to overstrain. Follow the rhythm of throws. Control gaming situations. Do not let the opponent knock you off the usual rhythm and make you rush and nervous. Calm down and relieve the tension in the pause between surges. Take your time getting ready to throw. Radiate your confidence. When doing the throw, do it with the look of a professional.
The ability to assess the game situation, apply different strategies and tactics during the game depending on the rapidly changing situation - the main indicators of psychological readiness.
The psychological readiness in achieving success directly depends on the athlete's technical preparedness and the successful completion of training tasks.
Do not forget that many factors influence your psychological state. You can have both good and not very good days. The following self-hypnosis can help you to positively tune in to games: "By winning, I gain everything. By losing, I do not lose anything."

Every dart player has an innate ability to succeed. Some nervousness before the start is a completely common phenomenon, which sometimes even helps to better tune in to the fight.

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