Friday, June 19, 2020

Dart game rules

1. GENERAL RULES OF THE GAME - Each player uses his darts for throwing, which must not exceed 30.5 cm (12 inches) in length and must not exceed 50 g. - Each dart consists of the following parts: - a sharpened needle inserted with a blunt end into the body of the dart; - the metal body of the dart; - flight stabilizer (can, in turn, consist of three separate parts: stabilizing plumage, plumage protection, and shank). - BDO reserves the right to “sow” players in each particular competition if it considers it necessary.

- All players and teams must comply with the BDO Game Rules and, where necessary, any additional rules outlined in the program or the Regulation on a specific competition.
- All players and teams must comply with the requirements of the organizers and officials of the BDO if the competition is held under the auspices of the BDO.
- All prizes received by players must be retained for BDO return, unless they are special, or must be returned to BDO upon special request.
- Any player who violates the BDO Rules during any competition must be disqualified for this competition.
- The interpretation of the BDO Rules during any competition belongs to the officially appointed BDO to the organizers of this competition, and their decision is final and binding on all parties.
- All data that served as the basis for such an interpretation should be transferred to the Board of Directors of the BDO for consideration and possible subsequent revision of the BDO Rules.
- Any contentious issue that cannot be resolved through the application of the BDO Rules must be resolved by the BDO Board of Directors, and its decision is final and binding on all parties.


- A player must throw darts at a target from a standing position, except in cases where physical inferiority or injury does not allow the player to fulfill this requirement (i.e., using, for example, a wheelchair).
- The player must shoot darts sequentially, strictly one at a time.
- A series of throws consists of three darts unless the lag, set or match
can be completed with fewer darts.
- If a player touches any of the darts that are in the target during the execution of a series of shots, then this series is considered completed.
- Any dart that has bounced off a target or dropped out of it does not count and is not thrown.


- In all competitions, each lag starts with a direct start (without falling into the doubling sector, ie, “double”) and ends with falling into a “double”, unless otherwise provided by the Regulations on holding this competition.
- A hit in Bull-A is estimated at 50 points, and if this is enough to certify a lag, set, or match, then Bull-A is considered a doubling of 25.
- The game uses the "burn" point rule. It applies
if a player in a series gains more points than he needed to complete. Points scored during this series are not counted, and the score returns to the number that was fixed by this player before the last series of his opponent.
- Referee team "Game over!" ("Game shot!") It is only considered valid when it is announced after the player pulled the darts from the target.
- If the referee team "Game over!" is declared invalid, the player gains the right to continue this series to achieve the desired result.
- If, as a result of the error described in clause 2.5, the player removed the dart (or darts) from the target, the referee, in this case, must make sure that this dart (or darts) is returned to the target in a place as close as possible to that where he was before, and then only the player can finish the series.
- BDO does not recognize the principle of “equal darts” (when a straight set of points is used to end a lag, that is, without falling into a “double”), i.e. a player who completes his throws by the BDO Rules wins a particular lag, set or match.
The only possible deviation from this rule is when players are given a certain number of darts to throw to perform a specific exercise.
- All darts thrown erroneously after falling into the “double” necessary for the end are not counted, and one or another lag, set or match should be considered sooty as a result of the dart getting into the “double”.


3.1. A dart hit is counted if its needle is in the target (or touches it) in the area bounded by the outer wire of the doubling ring, and after the announcement of the result achieved after throwing this dart, it is pulled out of the target by the player.
3.2. The account is maintained by the numbers located behind each sector into which the dart entered or touches.
3.3. Darts are pulled from the target by the throwing player, but only after the score has been announced by the referee and fixed with a marker.
3.4. A protest over an announced or recorded score is not considered if it is made after the darts have been pulled out of the board.
3.5. The correctness of scoring and subtraction should be checked by the referee, marker, as well as by the player and, if technically possible, before the opponent's throw.
3.6. All requests of a player to verify a fixed score or deductions must be submitted before the start of the next throw of this player.
3.7. The current score must be shown on a separate sheet or scoreboard visible to the players and the referee.
3.8. A judge or a marker does not have the right to “prompt” a player who is ready to end the game by reducing the score to zero which of the “doubles” he should get into (ie, “thirty-two left!”, And not “doubled sixteen left!”).
3.9. The first player who reduced his score to zero by getting into a “double” is considered the winner of this log,
3.10. the referee must act as an arbiter in interpreting the Rules of the BDO Game during the match and, if necessary, should consult with the tellers and other officially appointed referees before announcing any results during the match.
3.11. The winner of the draw or the preliminary throw begins the throws first in four lags.
An example of scoring in a match of 2 opponents (3 leagues of 501 each):

 - All targets must be made of natural bristle or natural fiber. - All targets are divided into sectors that are assigned numbers from 1 to 20. - The inner narrow ring means tripling the number of the sector and is called "treble".

- The outer narrow ring means doubling the number of sectors and is called "double."
- The outer ring around the center is assigned the number "25".
- The number “50” is assigned to the inner center circle, and it is called “Bull-eye” or simply “bull” (bull's-eye).
- The whole wire bounding sectors, doubles, trebles, central circles, and stripes, together forming a web pattern, should be firmly and tightly pressed to the target.
- The target is mounted in such a way that the distance from the floor to the center of the “bul” is 173 cm (5 ft. 8 in.).
- The target should be hung in such a way that the "20" sector is black and is strictly at the top of the board.

- The player or the team captain has the right to demand to replace the target or correct its position during the match, but always with the consent of the opponent.
This replacement or correction can be made only either before or after the end of the lag.
- All changes in the position of the target or its replacement are made by a person officially authorized by the BDO for this match.

 - During the tournament, each target must have uniform illumination (with a lamp of at least 100 watts). - During the final matches, the target must have uniform illumination with an intensity of at least 2 light sources of 100 W each. - All light sources must have screens protecting the player’s eyes when he is at the turn of the throw.

- During the final meetings, the overall level of illumination can be increased by the use of neophyte floodlights, but all measures should be taken against the appearance of unwanted shadows on the target during the game.

 - The throw line is indicated by a rectangular bar 38 mm high and at least 610 mm long (1.5 inches high and 24 inches). This bar must be kept at a minimum distance from the target from which throws are allowed. This distance, calculated in a straight line from the rear edge of the bar along the floor to the perpendicular, down to the floor from the center of the target's “apple”, is 2 m 37 cm.

- The diagonal distance from the center of the "apple" to the rear edge of the bar (in the place where the bar is in contact with the floor) should be 2 m 93 cm.
- In cases where the bar is installed in a playing place that is elevated from the floor (stage, special podium ), then this place must satisfy the following conditions:
- it must be at least elongated along the perpendicular going from the plane of the target;
- the width of such an elevation at the bar should be at least 1525 mm;
- the minimum depth for the player, counting from the rear edge of the bar to the
edge of the hill, should be at least 1220 mm.
- During the game, the player is not allowed to step over the bar or step on it during the execution of the throw.
- A player who is about to make a throw, standing not at the center of the bar, but on the side of it, should also not step beyond the imaginary line, which is a continuation of the back edge of the bar.
- Any player who violates the rules 6.4 and 6.5 should be warned by the referee in the presence of the team captain or his manager. If subsequently these rules are nevertheless violated by this player, then all darts thrown from the wrong position are not counted, as well as the result achieved when throwing from this position.
- The player or the team captain has the right (always with the consent of the opponent) to demand verification of the correct installation and dimensions of the bar. This request must be submitted either before the start of the lag or after its end. A member of the refereeing squad must transfer this requirement to the match referee or technical staff to make the necessary check and, if necessary, the correct installation of the bar.
Such verification, as well as installation, should be carried out before the start of the log, or after its completion.
- All checks and installation of the bar by the accepted dimensions and distances should be carried out by specialized personnel officially appointed by the BDO.
- Sizes of the bar and playing distance.
Standard target sizes:
- the inner width of the rings "double" and "treble" - 8 mm;
- the inner diameter of the bull - 12.7 mm;
- the inner diameter of the outer central ring - 31.8 mm;
- the distance from the center of the “bull” to the outer side of the wire of the double ring is 170.0 mm;
- the distance from the center of the "bull" to the outer side of the wire of the ring "treble" - 107.0 mm;
- the total diameter of the target - 415.0 mm ± 10.0 mm;
- wire thickness - 1.4-1.6 mm.

 - Unless otherwise specified, all BDO competitions are held according to the Olympic scheme.

- BDO or its official leaders reserve the right to cancel, change, reschedule all dates, venues of pre-scheduled competitions without additional notice.
- Decisions regarding the application of the BDO Rules of the Game in any competition held under the auspices of the BDO must be made by officially designated organizers, and their decisions must be final and binding on all parties.
- (This rule applies only to players who play in domestic tournaments in English counties).
- All players participating in the tournament must comply with the BDO Rules and, if necessary, other additional rules that are part of the regulation on holding any competitions.
- Any player or team found guilty of intentionally losing a leg, set or match shall be disqualified in this particular competition. The BDO Board of Directors also independently decides on the timing of the disqualification of this player from all BDO competitions.
- Both the player and the team who lose at any stage of the tournament held according to the "Olympic" scheme are not allowed to continue to participate in this competition, except when this player or team replaces someone who has left this competition according to unforeseen circumstances.
Also, restoration of rights is possible in cases where the loss was a direct consequence of the BDO Rules. The officially appointed refereeing team has the right, at its discretion, to restore the rights of the player or team among those who continue to participate in this competition by increasing the number of participants who continue to play, or by replacing the team or player who violated the Rules with a team or player affected by this.
This item may apply to any number of players, up to the entire team.
- If a player or a team representative is absent from the official ceremony of presenting prizes, awards or prize money without the permission of the official organizers or sponsors of this competition, this player or team representative should be deprived of the right to receive any prize played in this competition.
- If the organizers of the competition incur any additional costs arising from the failure of the player or team to fulfill their obligations, then such expenses should be reimbursed at the expense of that player or team.
- If a player’s or team’s actions have caused consequences that are considered to be harmful to darts as a sport, such actions of this player or team are considered by the BDO disciplinary commission, which decides on imposing a corresponding penalty on the perpetrators (fine, temporary disqualification and other).

 - All entry fees to the competition are not refunded or returned. - Contributions to the application of participants in the competition are not refunded, except as deemed necessary by the BDO Board of Directors. - All applications are executed on official BDO forms, which must be carefully filled out and returned with the required application fee by a certain date.

- Any application that is incorrectly executed or filed in violation of the filing rules must be rejected by the organizers.
- The player who is the first in the team’s application must inform the rest of the team on all issues about this tournament that he will be aware of from the organizers.
- The receipt of an application is recognized only if an empty envelope with the return address of the sender and the required number of stamps to be sent is sent along with it.
- Only those players whose names are indicated in the application for this competition have the right to participate in any competition.
- Both the player and the team cannot be declared more than once in one competition.
- None of the players has the right to play for several teams at once in one competition.
- All players participating in a personal tournament must speak under their names.
- Unless otherwise specified, then all application fees go exclusively to:

- covering the costs of the competition;
- the popularization of darts;
- Contributions to various charitable foundations.

- Filling out an application form for a player or team to participate in a BDO competition and accepting this BDO application means that this player or team has acknowledged all BDO rules regarding this competition.
- Organizers appointed by BDO reserve the right to refuse participation to any player or team at any stage before, during, or after this tournament, and their decision is final and binding on all matches played in this competition.
- For any participant admitted to the tournament only for members of the BDO, you can always apply the Charter (Rules) of acceptability (election) of the BDO.

 - All participants in any tournament must register at the time set by the organizers. - Each participant of the tournament who did not register at the scheduled time should be excluded from this tournament, and his application fee will not be returned to him.

- None of the players are allowed to register more than once in any tournament in one-game season.
- Any player or team called up to play in the league, set or match, but who failed to appear, shall be credited with a defeat at the published stage of the tournament, and the application fee will not be returned to them.
- A player or team must appear directly at the venue of the competition (at the target or the referee's table) within 3 minutes from the moment of public speaking.
- The organizers of the tournament reserve the right to change the time and rules of this tournament if they consider it necessary.
- Any player or team has the right to know in advance the time of their next game (match).

2.3 DRAW

- The draw of the tournament participants is carried out only once, before the start of the competition; allowed to use the draw system in groups.
- Tournament organizers must, if necessary, conduct additional matches to bring the number of players to a number that matches the tournament formula.
- Schemes with the results of the draw should be presented preferably at the referee's table, in the printed program of the tournament, at the target, or in another convenient place.
- The time indicated on the drawing of the results of the draw is purely indicative, and each participant should be ready to start their match at least 45 minutes before the specified time.
- Tournament organizers have the right to “sow” participants if they consider it necessary.
- In a personal tournament, no substitutions are allowed.
- In a team tournament, substitutions are prohibited after the end of the first-round games, if the regulation on this tournament does not allow substitute players to take part in the tournament, or if the circumstances do not allow continuing the match without making a substitution. In this case, the decision is made by the tournament organizers.

 - The order of the game is determined by the draw before the start of the competition. - The winner of the draw must be the first to roll in the first leg or set and in all subsequent odd lags or sets, as regards this particular match.

- The loser in the draw draws first in the second league or set and in all even lags or sets, as regards this particular match.

 - The results/records registration card is filled out directly by the judging panel indicating the rules and the course of the tournament. The player must pass this card to the referee conducting the match of the published target, and this referee is responsible for correctly entering the results into the card. - At the end of the match, the referee signs the card, clearly indicating the winner of the match, and the card must be immediately returned to the tournament secretariat by the player. - The promotion of players during the tournament should be noted on the touring scheme so that players and spectators can observe the progress of the competition.

- It is advisable for all players, whenever possible, to have a badge identifying the player’s identity throughout the competition, unless the referee specifically requests to remove such a badge (for example, during the broadcast of a match).

 - Each player is allowed to warm-up before the start of the match by throwing only 6 darts at a target intended for the match. During this match, it is not allowed to carry out any other workouts unless there is special permission or instruction from the match referee. - In competitions in a circular pattern, the player’s warm-up is limited to three darts before the second and subsequent meetings.

- Warm-up on any other targets other than those permitted for this purpose is not allowed after the start of the competition.
- Targets for warming up should be in the room in which the tournament is held, or in the room adjacent to it, and only the players participating in the tournament can warm up at them.

 - During the game, all players must play under the supervision of a panel of judges appointed by the BDO. - No one may be allowed into the playing area, except for the declared players or members of the refereeing team. - In front of a player who is at the throw line (at the bar) and throwing darts, only members of the refereeing team are allowed to be.

- Members of the refereeing team are obliged to limit their movements during the throwing by the player; they are also prohibited from smoking or drinking on stage during the match.
- The opponent of the throwing player is allowed to be no closer than 610 mm (2 ft) behind the thrower.
- In the final matches, all players must be supervised by members of the refereeing team, and in between shots they must be in a place where they can be seen by opponents, referees, spectators, and in some cases, cameramen.
- During the game, all players are required to remain silent, and only the player at the turn of the throw can ask the referee questions. Also, no prompts from any other player, spectator, or member of the judging panel are allowed.
Any player guilty of violating this rule must first be warned by the referee in the presence of the captain or team manager. Any subsequent violation of this rule during the same match shall result in the immediate disqualification of this player in this match.
A loud question or protest made to the referee is not considered a violation of the rule.
- A player at the throw line has the right to consult the referee about the match score at any time during a series of shots, but the player should never be advised on how he should throw to end.
- Any questions regarding account management or deductions made during the match are not allowed if this particular lag, set or match is already completed.
- In team competitions, when all players throw in succession, the order of throwing must be defined and displayed on the information board or shield before the first throw-in this lag, set, or match.
- Any protest must be submitted to the referee or other members of the panel of judges at the time of the alleged violation. The decision made on this occasion at this time (before the start of the lag, set, or match) is considered final and binding. Any protest filed later will not be accepted.
- If the player’s inventory is damaged or lost during the match, then this
player is given up to 3 minutes to repair or replace the corresponding equipment.
- In exceptional cases, the player is allowed to leave the playing area during the match, but only with the permission of the referee, and no more than 3 minutes.
- If during the match a player is noticed in insulting an opponent with voice or gestures, he will be found guilty of damaging the reputation of the Darts, and his act is subject to consideration by the Disciplinary Commission.

2.8 TYPE-BREAK - In some tournaments, the “tie-break” rule applies, when the sets in the match become equal, and it remains to play another, last set. The rules for holding a tie-break, in this case, apply when playing the last leg of the final set in this match.

- To determine the order of throwing in the last leg of the final score, each player throws darts at bull-eye. The player who started to play the game first also throws the “bull”.
- The player who hit the dart (remaining in the target after the throw) is closer to the “bull” than his opponent, starts the last lag first. The decision on this issue is made by the referee.
- A dart that hits the bull or the 25 rings and remains there must be pulled out of the target by the player before the opponent begins to throw.
- If the dart bounced off the target or fell out of it during the throw, the player continues to throw until at least one remains in the target.
- If it turns out that the darts thrown at the “bull” are at the same distance from it, then both players pull out their darts and repeat the throws, but in the reverse order, until the referee makes any specific decision.
- The player who won the last leg of the final set is considered the winner of this match.

 - Players are not allowed to wear jeans, as well as trousers or shirts made of denim or velveteen, which can be qualified as "jeans style", - It is forbidden to wear any headgear without special permission from the Tournament Organizers. Note: the rule does not apply to Sikhs. - Players are allowed to wear wristbands and ribbons on their wrists.

- Players are not allowed to wear sweaters or vests over a club or national uniform during a game on stage.
- All players or teams representing their regions or clubs in the BDO tournament must wear the uniform of the club or region.
- In several cases, it is necessary to have a form without any inscriptions on it, unless specifically agreed by the Tournament Organizers.
- In competitions held under the auspices of the BDO, all players must wear a uniform recognized by the BDO. A form not recognized by the BDO must be replaced before the player begins to play on stage or before an official presentation or interview.
- Any player who does not obey these conditions is removed from the competition, and information about this is sent to his national/regional organization for the adoption of appropriate sanctions.

2.10 GAME RESULTS - Each player’s score is recorded constantly throughout the entire BDO tournament in official match protocols or registration cards. - These results can also be sent on request to other organizations to ascertain the qualifications of the player. 2.11 ADVERTISING

- Tournament organizers may reserve the right to use any advertising means for advertising and holding this tournament.

- Tournament organizers reserve the right to protect the interests of their sponsors about any advertising used by players, teams, or other sponsors during the tournament.
- Players and spectators during the BDO tournament are not allowed to wear clothes or uniforms that advertise any product without the special written permission of the BDO.
- Players participating in the BDO tournament do not have the right to use the inventory that advertises any commodity product without special written permission from the BDO.
- Before any of the stages of the tournament is broadcast on television, BDO officials, including the referee, have the right to require the player to remove, remove or close any advertisement, slogan, or logo that contradicts any of the BDO Advertising Rules or any of television advertising rules. If a player refuses to fulfill such a request or requirement, this player or team must skip this match.
18.6. If a player on the stage advertises during the tournament by applying slogans, a logo, or any other means that contradict the Advertising Rules or any of the television advertising rules, this player or team should skip this match.


- Smoking during the match, filmed by television, is prohibited for both players and official representatives of the BDO.
- Players and official representatives of BDO are not allowed to smoke during the television footage of the opening, presentation ceremony taking place on stage.
- BDO or any of its other branches reserve the right to prohibit smoking in all darts competitions held under the auspices of BDO, and it is believed that this is done in the interests of promoting this tournament and darts as a sport.

 - In the room where darts competitions are held, filmed by television, players and officials are prohibited from selling or drinking drinks containing alcohol.

- The prohibition also applies to presentations, interviews, and award ceremonies broadcast on television.
Any player who violates the rules is removed from the competition, and information about this is sent to his national/regional organization for the adoption of appropriate sanctions.
- In case of any violation by the official of these rules, information is sent to his national/regional organization for the adoption of appropriate sanctions.
- BDO or any of its affiliates reserve the right to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages in all darts competitions held under the auspices of BDO, and it is believed that this is done to popularize darts as a sport.

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