Here you have domestic options and cabin methods that leave you without hair. This is what's new in hair removal.
Accurate shots
Although photo epilation may have already been installed in your life, pulsed light equipment does not stop evolving. “They incorporate quartz lamps that are stronger and safer than glass ones, filters that veto the output of infrared radiation and wavelength, and some even work alone, since you can leave them pressed. More comfortable, impossible ”, explains Myriam Benavides, Marketing Director of BaByliss.
Pocket tools
The new mini razors (fit in any toiletry bag) allow you to review or resolve a difficult situation. There are blades specially designed for the pubic area, some incorporate templates for the bikini line, which allow you to give something a little shape or leave the intimate area more aesthetic. Take away tools that shave any area without making cuts and are also respectful of the skin have also come onto the market.
Epilators with a plus
They allow the hair to be pulled out by the roots without having a bad time (yes, the ones from before hurt), and also the newest models are multifunction. But how? Incorporates interchangeable accessories. There are models with an exfoliating brush, massager, and some even have a polishing roller for the toughest foot hardness. Come on, not everything was made up.
Microwave wax
It is used in different formats from bands to roll-on. The problem? If it is cold, the pull is dry, and the hot one irritates. The option? "The tibia is heated for 1 min in the microwave, it is made with vegetable ingredients and plucks the shortest hair," says Jordi Pruja, CEO often.
Depilatory creams 'eco-friendly'
It is a comfortable option to use in the shower, but most of us do not like it because it smells bad and could cause allergies. The good news? These formulations went down in history. According to the cosmetic specialists of the birch box, There are depilatory creams made with natural ingredients like green tea, coconut oil, or shea butter that leave no trace of hair and provide softness and hydration.
In expert hands
With sugar ball
Do you want to pluck and exfoliate at the same time? It is an Arab hair removal technique that is very pleasant and painless. What does it consist of? In making a massage with a sugary paste that removes hair and dead cells.
Laser, infinite possibilities
There is one for each type of skin and hair. "The medical laser equipment has evolved a lot, so much so that they can adapt to the skin and hair morphology, ensuring greater efficacy and predictability in the results," says Dr. Josefina Royo, director of laser Medical Institute.
Ancestral Technique
Thread is the perfect technique to beautify eyebrows, but it can also be used on the lip, sideburns, cheeks, neck, and forehead. “The facial area works very well, it does not produce irritations and since there are no jerks, the appearance of flaccidity is not favored. In Sundara. € 6, upper lip.
Follicular insertion
Until now blond, gray, or red hair could only be removed with traditional electric hair removal, which was troublesome and slow, but today it can be effectively removed with the advanced Apil MG follicular insertion technique.
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